What You Need to Know About the Electric Acoustic Guitars
When looking forward to purchasing an acoustic guitar which is electric ensure that you know exactly which you are looking for as they come in different shapes and sizes with a number of options that you can choose from. One the common choice that you can select from is the acoustic guitar having a system for pickup that makes it possible for you to plug it into an amplification system.
If you want your guitar which is acoustic to change to an electric acoustic guitar then you need to consider adding a system for pickup and with the guitar can be played alone, be connected to a public address system or to an amplifier like you would to an electric guitar.
As it happens with mechanical objects, when you add more pieces to it, then the more the probability of things going wrong. It is very important for you to become aware of how you can diagnose problems that may arise because if you are an electric acoustic guitar it just for some time that you start experiencing problems like a break down in the chain of signal. Complete loss of signal and sounds that are static or distorted are the two major problems that can occur when the electric acoustic guitar is plugged into the system of public address or into an amplification system.
A couple of issues lead to the acoustic guitar which is electric produce some distorted or static sounds when it is plugged into an amplifier or into a system of public address. If your electric acoustic guitar is producing distorted or static sound, the first thing you ought to do is to check the used guitar cable and then in a gentle manner shake it and listen if there is any crackling sound. When you shake the guitar cable and hear that there is a crackling sound then it is possible that the cable is having electric shot on it somewhere. When you hear the sound of crackles after pressing the ends of guitar cable to and fro then this is an indication that the electric shot you are experiencing is emanating from the cable connectors. Since the guitar cable is the one experiencing problems then you ought to replace it with a new one and see if the problem is alleviated.
The second issue that you might be facing is the complete signal loss when you plug in the electric acoustic guitar into an amplifier or in a public address system. In order to diagnose the complete signal loss it is necessary that you first inspect the amplifier itself to make sure that it’s on power and that the volume level settings are well set. In order to ensure that the complete signal loss is not resulting from the amplifier malfunctions then it is necessary to plug in another guitar that you are sure is working well.
The provided tips for performing a troubleshoot may seem like many steps that you have to go through in order for you to determine what is the problem with your guitar. The given tips are going to help you identify the problem with the instrument in a simple and quick way.