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Your Ultimate Guide to Colonoscopy

Is your doctor requiring you to go through colonoscopy? This procedure is one of the most sought for examinations these days because it allows healthcare professionals to check and evaluate the symptoms you are experiencing including abdominal pain, rectal bleeding as well as changes in your bowel habit. This procedure is also mostly used for the screening of colorectal cancer and many other ailments of the same nature. However, for mild cases of abnormal bowel discharge, this procedure can also come handy.

When you are requested to go through colonoscopy, you should seek leads and referrals from your doctor as to where you can get the procedure. Although there may be a lot of clinics and laboratories that let you undergo colonoscopy, it is important to check with your doctor first as you may get his or her most preferred laboratories for executing such procedure. Once you already know about the best laboratories to have your medical condition checked, you should prepare yourself for the actual procedure.

Before you have yourself checked through a colonoscopy procedure, you should inform your doctor about suspected pregnancy first because they need to know whether you are expecting or not before going through the procedure. It is also important that you tell your doctor about your existing heart or lung conditions so that they can make necessary preparations and prepare the right measures that can help you out. If you also have allergies to medications such that you experience major allergic reactions when you take them, you should also inform your doctor as soon as possible.

Before the procedure, your doctor will most likely require you to take laxatives as well as enemas to cleanse your colon. That way, the walls can be easily seen during the procedure. The actual colonoscopy procedure will be conducted by a doctor that specializes in such a field in medicine. The procedure can be done in a clinic or a laboratory as the doctor only uses a colonoscope during the process. The patient will also be required to take a sedating medication to feel drowsy and relaxed right before the long tubular shaped instrument is inserted in the rectum to scan an image of the colon lining. The entire procedure takes up 20 to 30 minutes depending on the circumstances. However, there are also instances where the procedure can last up to an hour or more.

After the procedure, it is normal for the patient to experience some cramping and the feeling of having gas but these symptoms can easily go away in just a matter of time. Once the doctor examines the images captured, the patient can go back to a normal diet and other activities for as long as the cramps go away. The doctor will not typically suggest medications right after the procedure as the healing process can go naturally. However, if you continue to experience certain discomfort and many other similar problems, you should refer to your doctor as soon as possible to get a proper solution for such a specific need.

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